Incoming with Margie Avery
Do you ever feel like you're gonna lose your mind if something doesn't change and you're the only one feeling this way? You are not. This podcast is not a therapy session. I'm not a therapist, I'm not a doctor. I'm a human like you. I have felt exactly the way that you do. I figured out things that anyone can do to make their life happier, more fulfilling and find people I don't hate. Incoming gives listeners tools to deal with everyday life and its obstacles personal and professional. Through conversation, a little humor and experience I help listeners sort through the crap thrown at us daily, and break down self - induced obstacles,
54 episodes
Episode 1 I'm Back
So I'm back just in time for another election year and hopefully not a revolution. Unless it's a good revolution. This episode I'm just taking a high-level view of the factions in the United States and kind of in the world today. I'm not diggin...
Season 3
Episode 1
Episode 52 -The one about not hating yourself
Some days when you just don't feel good about your life you sit around and tear yourself down. Mostly because you're looking at the person next to you thinking they did it so much better than you did. Today I'm going to provide you proof that t...
Season 2
Episode 52
Episode 51 - The one about War at Target
So I don't know if you heard, but apparently there's a Civil War going on at your local target. Today I use that as a touchstone to dig little deeper into the real issue going on here.
Season 2
Episode 51
Episode - 50 It's a fluff piece
The hint is in the title, today I am a little lighthearted with some innocent gossip. It is royal coronation news!
Episode - 49 For the love of God start thinking for yourself
In today's episode, I get a little political and a little controversial, hoping it will shake you into thinking. I don't care what side of the issue you're on or what the issue is I don't have any respect for anyone who blindly jumps on the ban...
Season 2
Episode 48
Episode 48- Finding Happy
I bet you never thought of being happy is something to be found. Too often, we let fear stop us from finding the life that we really want and therefore being happy.
Season 2
Episode 48
Episode 47 - Why do we keep falling for media lies
Every day with bombarded with news in the feed on our phone and the opening screen, we turn on our computers at work. Despite everyone trying to tell us what bad journalism it is, we keep believing it. We have arguments with with friends and fa...
Season 2
Episode 47
Episode 46 - Addiction VS Habit
So you have addiction and then habits, sounds simple but it's not. I correct my previous statements on addiction and discuss what makes them so different .
Season 2
Episode 45
Episode 45 - What Consumes Your Mind
What consumes your mind controls your life so the saying goes. Today's episode I talk about the things that we a lot of consumer mind in our time. At the cost of our mental health. Share my thoughts on how to get around the political rhetoric i...
Season 2
Episode 44
Episode 44- Time to Weed Your Garden
No, I have not switched to a format about gardening. Talking about weeding wrong people out of your life choosing who is the pretty flowers and who is the weed invading your entire garden of your life.
Season 2
Episode 44
Episode 43 - The one about Female Equality
The battle rages on for women. I chat about progress we have made and where we can do better. How we can advocate for ourselves and how we have to be vigilant that we are not giving away hard fought ground.
Season 2
Episode 43
Episode 42 - Secret Sauce to Happiness
So the name is misleading, sorry there is no secret sauce. But there is a method. I delve into the roadblocks keeping you from mental happiness.
Season 2
Episode 42
Episode 41- Blame yourself
You know, there's always a lot of talk in society about not coming down to hard on yourself. But the other side of that coin is not taking responsibility for anything for yourself. Today I talk about how you need to own things. Find your own fl...
Season 2
Episode 41
Episode 40 - Social Censorship
Don't know if you guys have been following the Senate hearings with ex Twitter executives, today I delve into that. A social media is taking advantage of us. How that goes against what I tell you is the path to having a happy life. Don't let an...
Season 2
Episode 40
Episode 39 - My thoughts on other peoples thoughts
We use the term influencers a lot today I talk about how dangerous it be how we can be negatively influence and why we need to do more of a run thinking. Also some new additions that I'm putting in the show and I'm gonna cover that in today's e...
Season 2
Episode 39
Episode 38 - Another one about addiction
The topic of addiction is so broad that I felt the need to do a second episode about it. Some things happened lately. They got me thinking about it from broader angles than where I first covered it since today's episode, I go a little bit more ...
Season 2
Episode 38
Episode 37 - The one about self doubt
If you've ever heard the term imposter syndrome, you're going to want to listen to this episode. I delve briefly into what the term means, and how I think that it impacts most of our lives in ways that we may not have thought. I give my thought...
Season 2
Episode 37
Episode 36 - Negative "Happy People"
I dig deeper into what is actually needed to get rid of negativities and find happy. I talk a little bit about people bringing past negativity into their new life. Big public example, prince Harry's book release. People on social media espousin...
Season 2
Episode 36
Episode 35 - Addiction
We talk a lot about addiction and society but it can sometimes get confusing what we're addicted to. This episode I talked about all of the addictions that most of us have in our life how to know if there ones that you need to shake today.
Season 2
Episode 35
Episode 34 - I'm back again
Here I go again, I am back after a few month sabbatical. I go into where I have been and what I have been up to. Big changes that echo what I am always telling you guys to do, be happy
Season 2
Episode 34
Episode 33 - What We Should BE Talking About
In today's episode I propose topics that we should as a People on this Earth need to be talking about. I figure if every other major publication is taking a shot at telling you what to think about maybe I'd throw my hat in the ring to. There ar...
Season 1
Episode 33
Episode 32 - I'm Back
So I've been gone a while. But I'm back. Thank you anybody who has hung in there and waited for me. I hope that this episode is going to make up for lost time. I've had a lot of life going on and I'm going to be sharing those experiences with y...
Season 1
Episode 32
Episode 31 - Think outside the box
Now more than ever we need to do our own thinking. Thinking outside of the box, thinking beyhond the masses. Is more and more being labeled as subversive. In todays episode I talk about knowing yourself, your values and morals.
Season 2
Episode 31
Episode 30 - Preparing for the holidays
It's that time of year again where we have to prepare for the holidays and the mental stress of it all. I share with you experiences I've had that help get your head in a good place. Ways that I found you can get through the holidays healthy an...
Season 1
Episode 30
Episode 29 - Broken trust
There is a great divide in the world today wrought with lots of finger pointing. The real problem we seem to be missing is there is a broken trust between the people. It is being used to manipulate us even further. I explore this as it relates ...
Season 1
Episode 29